Parishioners at St. Andrew's are ever-sensitive to issues of human suffering, poverty and social injustice. They routinely reach out and offer helping hands in ministries near our shoreline home, as well as ministries in far away places. Some of St. Andrew's outreach ministries, past and present, include:
Community Garden
Parishioners plant, water, weed and harvest a garden on a small plot at Bauer Park in Madison. The town of Madison maintains this community garden for the benefit of Madison residents. In past years we have grown tomatoes, squash, peppers, kale and carrots. All the produce is contributed to the Madison food pantry. The garden highlights issues of food scarcity and nutritional needs in Shoreline communities. The garden also offers a positive response to concerns about the environment and human health associated with processed food and large scale farming.
Raise the Roof | Habitat for Humanity
From Branford to Clinton, individuals, churches, civic organizations, and banks and other businesses support the cause of Habitat for Humanity and build houses in New Haven with Habitat partner families. St. Andrew's was a founding sponsor for the organization when they began building homes in New Haven in 2003, and we continue to provide volunteers for group builds and financial support.
Madison Community Services
A private, all-volunteer organization consisting of individuals, businesses, civic groups, and churches, offers medical transportation, youth tutoring, summer camp scholarships and more including the Madison Food Pantry. Feeding hundreds of residents and distributing 3,000 pounds of food each week, the MCS Food Pantry is maintained year-round by volunteers. St. Andrew's supports the operation by collecting contributions of food from parishioners and assisting patrons.
Vacation Bible School in the Dominican Republic
Every summer the Episcopal Church in Connecticut organizes a group of teenagers and chaperones to run a Vacation Bible School for children in the Dominican Republic. Carrying suitcases full of art supplies, crafts, jump ropes, drawing paper, soccer balls and more, students head to Santo Domingo and work tirelessly for one very hot week in July. St. Andrew's often sends a group on the trip.
Covenant to Care
St. Andrew's participates in Covenant's Adopt A Social Worker program. Faith-based or community organizations agree to partner with a particular social worker in Connecticut to, as far as is possible, provide for the necessary and special items needed for all of the children in that social worker's caseload. This augments the provisions of the State, often assuring greater stability in the life of a child. Through our assigned social worker, St. Andrew's provides financial aid, as well as backpacks, spring baskets, and gifts from our holiday angel tree.
Saints on the Shoreline
Saints on the Shoreline (SOS) for Refugees was a multi-church effort, led by St. Andrew’s over a two-year period, to host a refugee family. Other local churches joining this ministry included North Guilford Congregational Church, First Church of Christ Congregational Church in Clinton, Christ Episcopal Church in Guilford, and the United Methodist Church of Clinton. Hosting a refugee family was a complex operation requiring lots of coordination and many volunteers: finding housing and furnishing it, helping find employment, coordinating with local schools, state and federal offices, providing local transportation, and most important helping a family make a major cultural adjustment to life in the United States. In May of 2018 SOS welcomed a family from Afghanistan and arranged housing in Clinton. The children attended the local schools, the head of the family found work, and within a year the family became financially independent and was assimilated into the shoreline community.
232 Durham Road
Madison, CT 06443
8:30am (spoken | in-person)
10:00am (music | hybrid)